Alzheimer's Research and Prevention: A Glimpse Of The Future 

This online course features cutting-edge and timely topics on all aspects regarding Alzheimer’s prevention, in particular evidence-based lifestyle medicine.


Alzheimer's Prevention: A Glimpse of the Future - online course

The brain starts aging in your early 30s. Scientists call this process "neuronal degeneration". However, it's proven that even if you're 65+, you can still reverse this neuronal degeneration with the right knowledge and tools. Whether for yourself or for your clients or students, this program will advance your understanding of how to protect your mind and enjoy optimal brain function throughout life.

As you probably know, many things can hasten the development of cognitive decline and in this course you’ll learn about all of them and what you can do about it from our incredible lineup of world-renowned speakers. In particular, we discuss how women can prevent Alzheimer’s disease because women are at much higher risk than men.

This is a premier course for the Alzheimer’s community. A Glimpse of the Future features cutting-edge and timely topics on all aspects regarding Alzheimer’s prevention, in particular evidence-based lifestyle medicine. Ten world-renowned medical professionals, researchers, and caregivers share their current work on the varied treatment and prevention modalities of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

We are offering this course to address the unmet needs of all those at risk for Alzheimer’s, promoting multidisciplinary care and emphasizing the fact that prevention is still the best option.

I look forward to incorporating what I learned in the direct care I provide to patients and families. Excellent presentation of current knowledge and scientific study results. - A.A.


  • Behavioral Health providers: Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Life/Wellness Coaches, Nutritionists, Psychologists/Mental Health Practitioners, Physical Therapists.
  • Medical professionals: Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants.
  • All Brain Longevity Therapy Training graduates.
  • Yoga therapists and yoga teachers of all traditions.

I’m glad to have better tools to educate patients on the importance of cardiovascular, metabolic, and hormonal management and the importance of implementing nutritional, mind-body, sleep and activity habits to promote brain health. - G.I.


Allan Anderson, MD, Medical Director, Memory Center of the Banner Alzheimer's Institute, and Dev Ashish, PhD, Neuropsychologist, Banner Alzheimer's Institute.

Dale Atkins, PhD, Psychologist, Author, Educator, Specializing in Healthy Aging.

Lisa Barnes, PhD, Professor of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center.

Roberta Diaz Brinton, PhD, Director, Center for Innovation in Brain Science and Professor of Pharmacology, Neuroscience and Neurology, University of Arizona.

Larry Griner, caregiver and speaker.

Dean Judith Karshmer, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN, Professor & ASU Chief Wellness Officer, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation

Karen Koffler, MD, Keynote Presenter, Medical Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Miami.

Andrew Newberg, MD, Director of Research on Integrative Health at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, PA, expert in a new medical field called Neurotheology.

Christopher Walling, PsyD, MBA, C-IAYT, Associate Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies and VP of Education and Outreach for ARPF.

I found the course to be very valuable and have already started using the information in my classes. - Ellen M


  • 7.5 CE hours are available for psychologists, behavioral therapists, RN and MLSW through Spiritual Competency Academy.
    • CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
    • The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
    • LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFTs, and other mental health professionals from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
    • SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain their certificate of attendance for 4 years after the course concludes.
    • For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact Chelsea Pyne, Educational Programs Manager at ARPF at
  • 8 CEs for yoga therapists as an APD through IAYT
  • 8 CEs for yoga teachers through Yoga Alliance

I am still vibrating from the amazing course. Kudos to ARPF, and everyone involved in putting on this educational course. All of the presentations and speakers were so inspiring and I learned a lot myself about how I can help my 92-year old mom who is experiencing more symptoms of Dementia every day. Everything about the sessions was fabulous! - Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT, Founder of YogaVista TV 

Benefits to those who take this course:

  • Write options of cognitive training interventions for cognitive impairment.
  • Describe specific lifestyle strategies that can address systems at risk as we age.
  • Design enhanced communication techniques and support for caregivers.
  • Explain cognitive test disparities.
  • Describe mid-life transition in the female brain.
  • Assess the physiological effects of spiritual beliefs and practices on the body and brain.

Course Description:


Chris Walling, PsyD, MBA, C-IAYT and Kirti Khalsa, ARPF CEO.

Opening Remarks

Dean Judith Karshmer, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN, Professor & ASU Chief Wellness Officer, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. Arizona State University

Getting stronger and sharper with age: what practices matter?

Karen Koffler, MD
Lifestyle strategies can improve health, allow for more productive lives, and, more importantly, improve the quality of life for the individual and their families. It is essential that healthcare, aging service and wellness providers today learn about noninvasive lifestyle-based interventions that may potentially improve our health as we age. This session will focus on the effects of aging on our body and which lifestyle choices give us the best chances of improving our potential.

Finding Balance during Challenging Times: Strategies for Wellness and Resilience

Dale Atkins, PhD
In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to find balance and maintain well-being. This session will focus on strategies for finding balance and building resilience in the face of adversity. This seminar is ideal for anyone seeking to develop tools for resilience, including individuals, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and executives. Participants will leave with practical strategies for navigating challenging times and building a life of balance and well-being.

Preventing Alzheimer's and Sustaining Brain Health for Women and Men

Roberta Diaz Brinton, PhD
Based on extensive and breakthrough research spanning several decades, this session will focus on providing a greater understanding of the diverse symptoms of perimenopausal and menopausal transition and their impact on women's brain health. It will also illustrate how to navigate the path to sustaining brain health throughout the aging process.

Lifestyle Factors and Cognitive Aging in Older African Americans

Lisa Barnes, PhD
Older African Americans have a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease compared to their age-matched, older White adult counterparts. The reasons for the higher risk are not entirely clear. One component of assessing risk, however, is performance on cognitive function testing. Older African Americans have traditionally scored lower on cognitive function tests, the same tests that are used to make a diagnosis. There are lifestyle factors that explain lower performance, but primary care providers and memory specialists may not be aware of the contextual factors that can impact performance. This session will address the lifestyle factors that influence cognitive test performance and improve knowledge on risk factors in general for Alzheimer's disease in this population.

The Caregiver Perspective

Larry Griner
Caregiving comes in all shapes and forms. During this round table session, we'll discuss our experiences with caregiving and learn from one another. The session will be led by Larry Griner, who famously cared for his mother Norma and became a social media sensation by sharing her special connection to music. Larry offers hope and inspiration to those going through this journey. Along with caregivers, the strategies discussed will be important for medical professionals to share with their patients and families.

The Spiritual Brain: How Spiritual Practices Contribute to Brain Health

Andrew Newberg, MD
It has been increasingly recognized that understanding a person's spiritual or religious beliefs in the health care setting can have important implications for understanding how patients make decisions about various aspects of medical care and how they cope with physical and mental health problems. This presentation will help improve knowledge about the relationship between spirituality and health, how to assess this relationship, and how spirituality is related to various physiological processes in the brain and body.

Cognitive Interventions for MCI and Dementia

Allan Anderson, MD and Dev Ashish, PhD
Although the American Academy of Neurology in 2018 recommended cognitive interventions for patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, many patients are not able to receive these valuable interventions. Often the treatment for patients with dementia is focused on the use of pharmacotherapy, which frequently has limited results. A number of psychosocial interventions have been proven to offer cognitive benefits, particularly cognitive training. This session will discuss how and which trainings to employ for patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia.


Chris Walling, PsyD, MBA, C-IAYT

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
3 months. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for 3 months - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will offer a different video.