What is the Brain Longevity Therapy Training:The Brain Longevity Therapy Training course is one of a kind, specialty training designed to give insight into ARPF’s many years of research regarding prevention of both Alzheimer’s disease and dementia at a train-the-trainer level. Prior to applying, it is important to view the course information on our website regarding details at this link. Guidelines for the Award of this Scholarship:The scholarship has a retail value of $450 and ARPF will grant it to an individual so that we can build a mutually beneficial relationship serving older adults and individuals at risk. ARPF wants to especially support individuals working in underserved communities or those where health disparities are present, and who are interested in either building a new program or updating their existing programs. The Purpose of this Scholarship is to:
This Scholarship Includes:
Scholarships are organized into 2 cycles, please see below for the details:
Thank you for your interest in the BLTT. We look forward to getting to know you and working with you. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Cathy Watkins, Scholarship Ambassador and Coordinator at drcathy@alzheimersprevention.org.